Seamless tax and legal support to fulfill your nonprofit mission effectively.
Nonprofit Law Services
Nonprofit Formation
I love helping people start nonprofits! If you are an individual or group with an idea for a nonprofit, I can advise you on the type of entity, tax-exempt options, and IRS and state rules. I draft governance documents, contracts, and policies, and ensure that you understand the business and tax obligations of a tax-exempt entity.
Nonprofit Compliance
Applying for tax-exempt status at the federal and state levels, examining state and local tax filing requirements, advising on employment tax issues, and filing tax and regulatory reports are just some of the tasks I can help your nonprofit accomplish to ensure compliance.
Nonprofit Tax Advice
If the IRS or state agencies knock on your nonprofit's door, or you discover an issue proactively, handling those issues on your own is a daunting task. I have successfully represented tax-exempt entities get back on track with retroactive reinstatements of tax-exempt status, delinquent charitable solicitation registration, and similar challenges.
Driven by a passion for nonprofit work
I have served on numerous nonprofit boards and as a volunteer for nonprofits throughout my career.
Global Experience
Having lived overseas, I am familiar with the unique issues faced by US nonprofits operating overseas.
Paying it forward
I believe in paying it forward by offering discounted or pro bono services to my nonprofit organization clients.