For Your Future.

Transform the unknowns of life’s journey into a roadmap your loved ones can follow.

Estate Planning | Business | Nonprofit | Tax

Tampa, Florida

Candice McPhillips

What Makes McPhillips Law Different


Virtual platform for busy professionals and families

Your convenience is my priority. Enjoy a streamlined online process using top-notch, secure legal tech to quickly complete your estate plan. I focus on helping clients in Tampa, but can assist throughout Florida.


Custom estate plans at flat fees in 3 meetings

I forge a personal connection with you to understand your unique family scenario. In only 3 meetings, I design a custom solution for flat fees you can count on. I welcome all modern families with a special focus on military clients.


Protect your business or nonprofit simultaneously

I go beyond estate planning! In addition to advising on business succession and charitable giving, I love helping entrepreneurs and professionals with nonprofit formation, legal compliance, contract drafting, and tax issues.


  • Man signing legal document.

    Will-Based Estate Planning

    Estate planning based around a legal document that gives direction to the probate court and your family about who will manage your estate after your death. A will also nominates guardians for your minor children. Includes a package of related documents to protect your family in case of incapacity.

  • family standing on a beach looking into the ocean

    Trust-Based Estate Planning

    Estate planning based around an entity you create to hold , manage, and transfer assets to your named beneficiaries on your behalf. A revocable living trust is managed by the trustmaker (you) during life. You can also create specialized trusts to achieve certain planning objectives.

  • women at a business meeting

    Business, Tax & Nonprofit Consulting

    Advice on business matters and tax strategies to plan for business succession and charitable giving. Entrepreneurs can get help with formation, operation, and compliance issues. I also help solve complex military tax problems and counsel military-related tax-exempt entities.

Receive exclusive free downloads and info that will boost your legal knowledge and motivate you to make things right for your future.

woman looking at an ipad with a coffee mug

Create your custom estate plan in only 3 meetings

We will meet for a Peace of Mind Planning Session, an Estate Plan Design Meeting, and the Signing Ceremony.

All of our meetings will take place online, with the option of an in-person Signing Ceremony in Tampa, Florida.

Control your own crystal ball.

You don’t have to worry about the future anymore.

Crystal Ball on the beach.

Our journey in life is unpredictable. All you can do to combat that uncertainty is to try to plan for the unexpected. That’s what I do for my clients. My goal is to make things right for your future by memorializing your wishes. You can protect your legacy on your own terms.

If the worst happens, who will take care of your children and pets? Who would you trust to to make your medical decisions? Who will manage your property and other assets? How will they know where the information about those assets is located in an emergency? What will happen to your family business without you?

Don’t trust a probate court judge to make those decisions for you. The empowerment you will feel by designing a will or trust to preserve wealth and harmony within you family will make all the difference.

Benefits of the Peace of Mind Planning Session

Get started with the first step toward peace of mind today!

  • Feel more confident about the future by learning whether a will or trust estate plan might be the best solution for you. Educating you on the options with no legal jargon is my top priority.

  • Understand the key parts of a will and trust, the probate process, and the pros and cons of different types of estate plans applicable to your situation.

  • Spend a focused 60 minutes thinking about how you want to preserve your legacy, and gain the comfort of finally getting around to making a plan.

  • Talk to an attorney who has your best interests at heart and can handle related business and tax issues, not a "do-it-yourself" online legal form generator with no personal connection.

Choose your estate plan


Last Will & Testament Package

✓ Nomination of Guardians for Minor Children
✓ Financial Power of Attorney & Health Care Surrogate
✓ End of Life Directive & HIPAA Release
✓ Tangible Personal Property Memorandum
✓ Pet Trust



Revocable Living Trust Package

✓ Everything in Will Plan
✓ Children's Asset Protection Trust
✓ Trust Funding & Beneficiary Designation Manual
✓ Trustee Legal Guide
✓ Real Property Deed Transfer to Trust (1)


Specialized Trusts & Estate Tax Planning

✓ Everything in Trust Plan
✓ Specialized Trusts (Spouse, Retirement, Life Insurance)
✓ Professional Trust Funding
✓ Estate Tax Planning

Add-Ons are available for all plans, including: advanced will clauses, specialized trusts, complex blended family and business succession planning, deed preparation and professional trust funding.

What is estate planning?

Estate planning is the process of memorializing your wishes about how to manage your property and transfer wealth after you pass away. In estate planning you leave what you have to loved ones in the way you want. You also choose people you trust to take care of your assets and loved ones after your death. We do this by drafting wills and trusts.

Estate planning also includes providing instructions to trusted people on how to handle your family and everyday life in case you are incapacitated. Through estate planning, you can plan to protect the wealth and assets you acquired in life while also preserving harmony within your family after you are gone.

Estate planning empowers you to do your best to make things right in the future, both for yourself and for your loved ones. When your estate plan is finished you should feel a sense of calm and confidence.

Why do estate planning?

It’s about the people you love

Estate planning is about making sure that when you are gone, taking care of your things is as easy and inexpensive as possible. Take advantage of the opportunity to tell your loved ones how to protect your property and minor children.

Choose your own destiny

Your state of residence has a plan for your assets when you die, but you probably won’t like it. You can override that default plan by drafting a will and trust on your own terms.

Care for your children and pets

Don’t let a judge decide who will raise your minor children. You can specify guardians, avoid family disputes over custody, and pass on your wishes and ideals. You can also ensure your furry family members will be well cared for by chosen caretakers.

Avoid probate court

If you pass away without a will, your estate will go through the probate court process. Probate is expensive, public, and can take months and years while tying up your assets before they can be given to your family. What few people know is that even a will must go through probate! Adding a trust to your estate plan avoids probate for all assets placed in the trust.

Protect assets

Your estate is everything you own, from your house to bank accounts to jewelry to retirement accounts to business interests. Without a will or trust, your assets could wind up in the hands of your spouse’s new partner or your children’s ex-spouse. You can use a trust to provide access to funds for your loved ones but protect remaining assets from lawsuits, bankruptcy, and divorce.

Minimize taxes

Everyone gets an exemption of a certain amount of money before federal and state estate taxes kick in. However if you live in a state with estate tax or have substantial wealth that may approach the federal limit, advanced planning techniques can optimize your tax scenario using gifting, charitable planning, specialized trusts and other tools.

5 Perks of Making Things Right for your Future

  1. Understand how your estate plan is built to protect your loved ones and assets.

  2. Create an emergency plan ifor your children, pets, home, and digital assets.

  3. Secure your legacy for your lifetime and your childrens’ lifetimes using smart estate planning strategies.

  4. Help your family avoid the burdens of probate and ensure your privacy if you choose a trust.

  5. Gain Peace of Mind that you have done your best to make your vision for your legacy a reality.

Girl in field of flowers.  Photo by Melissa Askew on Unsplash.
  • White flowers.  Photo by Tijana Drndarski on Unsplash

    Legacy. What is a legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.

    Lin-Manuel Miranda, Playwright

Meet Candice

Attorney Candice McPhillips’ estate planning practice focuses on making things right for your future. I understand how complicated and stressful the estate planning process can be. That’s why I educate you on the estate planning options and tools available for your situation in order to empower you to memorialize your wishes and preserve wealth and harmony within your family. My approach to solving problems for clients is to infuse practical solutions into legal strategy.

I received my Bachelor of Science in Commerce from the University of Virginia in 1997 and my Juris Doctor from the University of Michigan Law School in 2000. I also earned a Master of Laws (LLM) degree in Taxation with an additional graduate certificate in State and Local Taxation from Villanova University Law School. As a tax attorney, I am uniquely qualified to guide my clients through the often complex maze of estate planning and business issues.

I spent 14 years as a litigator in global law firms practicing white collar criminal defense and high stakes federal court litigation. As a former BigLaw attorney, I know the importance of going above and beyond to respond to client needs. I have worked on global litigation matters for some of the largest companies and the most demanding C-suite executives. I bring this high-touch responsiveness to my own firm, along with legal judgment honed by practicing law for more than two decades.

When I moved the firm to Tampa, Florida, I launched an estate planning practice to provide clients with well-rounded advice on protecting the individual and business assets they worked so hard to build.

In addition to my work for clients, I also have a passion for educating the next generation of lawyers about the benefits of owning their own virtual law firms. To discover more about my background and experience, find me on LinkedIn.

Candice McPhillips

The Blog

Free checklist to kickstart your planning!

8 Estate Planning Tools to Protect Your Future

Use this checklist to determine if you are using all the key estate planning tools that can empower you to make things right for your future. Subscribe to receive this FREE download!

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